Tips for getting organized and staying that way!
Getting organized is a task. Staying organized is a habit! If you’re someone who forms habits easily, keeping your home organized can be ‘hard-wired’ into your life without too much trouble. For the rest of us, keeping a few basic ‘commitments’ each day will keep the clutter away. They’re not hard to remember, fit naturally into your daily routine, and will go a long way in tidying your mind along with your environment.
1 – Make your bed!
This sounds obvious, but loads of folks don’t make their beds when they get out of them in the morning. You’ve heard the phrase “happy wife, happy life”, so it is with “messy bed, messy head”. It’s a small but simple thing that sets your whole day up for success. If you keep your bedding simple, like one fitted sheet, one comforter, one pillow per person, it will be a snap to re-make. Do it as soon as you get up, and your bedroom will automatically become a relaxing place to come back to that night.
2 – Everything in its place
Create a “home” for things, so that once used, items go back where they belong. Baskets and trays work well for this. Cosmetics, jewelry, books/notebooks, small appliances like shavers, hairdryers, etc. will all have a designated “house” to come home to, making your whole house equally nice to come home to. Here’s a helpful mantra: “Don’t put it down, put it away!”
3 – Counters count!
Clear, unobstructed counter space has a big impact on how you feel when you enter your kitchen. It may seem hard to achieve, what with coffeemakers and other appliances taking up permanent residence on your counters, but reduce what you can in the way of fixtures first. Check if there are some deep drawers or cabinets that are not being used to their best or full capacity. I’m always amazed how much vertical room is available above the top shelf in a hall closet or pantry. See if your brewing machine or toaster can find a home there and still have easy access. Once that’s established, take five minutes each day (set a timer if you like) to put things back where they belong:
Put dishes away, either in the dishwasher or rinsed and stacked for washing later
If it comes in, take it out. Deal with daily mail, purchases or things brought from school or work the same day. Have a designated “home” (see tip #2 above) for miscellaneous items such as a drawer or basket for pickup by their owners later.
Once cleared, treat your counters to a little bling that not only makes you smile but serves as a deterrent for others to clutter it up: fresh flowers or a colorful fruit bowl. Jewelry for your kitchen!
4 – The list goes on!
Never underestimate the power of a good to-do list. Listing, prioritizing (and delegating) tasks are leadership skills! Think of how things get done around an office, and apply the same strategies at home. Adopting systems and schedules of a work environment will make weekly tasks obvious, structured and done on schedule.
You don’t have to have a leather-bound executive day timer, but the look and feel of your to-do list can influence how well and how often you use it. Picking a fun notepad, special paper or writing tool will make list building enticing!
5 – House rules
Your organizing efforts won’t mean a thing if your crew doesn’t get with the same program. Keep your co-residents on track with some simple rules:
If you take it out, put it back.
If you carry it in, carry it out.
If you borrow it, return it.
If you open it, close it.
If you throw it down, pick it up.
If you take it off, hang it up.
If you break it fix it.
6 – Leave a legacy!
Think of your rooms like nature parks. Always leave it in a better state than when you entered it!